healthy alternative to carnation instant breakfast

Healthy Alternative To Carnation Instant Breakfast

I am not someone with breakfast. That’s what I’m saying. But I know about a healthy alternative to carnation instant breakfast.

Maybe from that statement, we can provide a solution that is a healthy alternative to carnation instant breakfast.

Maybe it is because I’m “not a morning person.” Usually, I spend my morning drinking water, tea, or making a smoothie. I won’t be hungry until around 10 a.m. I had the same problem as a teen, getting up early for school wasn’t really good for my appetite. My mother was worried about my nutritional condition and tried anything to persuade me to eat or buy a packet of “instant breakfast” that could mix milk in it.

It surprised me when I found out that instant breakfast products are still on the market. sn’t it obvious that anything “instant” is bad for you? Since we are a convenience culture, it’s like an “instant breakfast” with very little preparation which is very appealing. The unfortunate and inescapable truth is that most instant meal replacements are made with ingredients that you won’t find on any Healthy Breakfast list. Even worse, I’ve seen it marketed as a healthy breakfast option for kids.

Besides, we’ll give you some instant breakfast ingredients and some healthy alternatives to carnation instant breakfast.

Some Commonly Ingredients in “Instant Breakfast” Brands:

Nonfat Milk

Is dehydrated milk, processed. Let’s not fool ourselves into thinking this is complete food.


The second ingredient is up next. Instead of spending money on instant breakfast products with ingredients like these, I think you should just pour a glass of milk and add a few tablespoons of sugar.


Is processed thickeners or fillers derived from rice, corn, or potatoes. However, the nutritional value contained is zero.


Is milk sugar, which is often difficult to digest

Magnesium Hydroxide

Have you ever heard of Milk of Magnesia? Everything is the same. This is a LAXATIVE.

Soy Lecithin

This is a soy-derived emulsifier. While soy lecithin does not cause immediate harm, you should consider why you feel about a processed product made from (most likely) genetically modified soybeans.


Carrageenan, a food additive derived from seaweed, you’ll find in a variety of processed foods. The proof is that this ingredient can cause an inflammatory response in the body and, if you consume it for a long time, can be carcinogenic.

Artificial Flavors

Do I really have to discuss this one?

While we can’t suggest “food” or “instant,” we understand that many people want or need an easy and quick breakfast. You have to believe I can force myself to eat breakfast in the car on my way to work every morning. Usually, a bowl of oatmeal is provided. If you don’t want to waste water at your house, here are some “instant breakfast” options that are both filling and healthy.

4 Healthy Alternative To Carnation Instant Breakfast

1. CalNaturale Svelte Organic Protein Shake

The protein shake contains non-GMO organic soy milk and comes in four flavors: French vanilla, chocolate, spiced chai, and cappuccino. With a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals, as well as 16 g of protein and 260 calories, this is a good option for days when you don’t have time for eggs and toast.

2. MacroLife Naturals Coco Greens Superfoods

Then, I got to know this brand through one of my Ecocentric Mom boxes, and I can testify to how delicious it is! These powdered greens, like most greens drinks, lack protein, but if mixed with milk, the nutritional content increases. This chocolate drink is high in vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and antioxidants, and contains 3 or more servings of fruits and vegetables.

3. HappyMorning Breakfast Smoothie

This little smoothie-on-the-go is made by Happy Family, a reputable brand of organic packaged foods, and contains yogurt, fruit, whey protein, and quinoa. The smoothies have the same protein content as an egg, as well as calcium, fiber, antioxidants, and iron. They’re just around 100 calories each, so serve them with a homemade muffin to make a more substantial breakfast.

4. Orgain Organic Nutritional Shake

I’m hesitant to suggest this one as it contains carrageenan (as seen above), but the acceptable ingredients, combined with the high protein content (16 grams) and vitamins and minerals, may make it a good choice for you on a rushed morning.

Why Not Try A Smoothie?

We’re not just talking about quick fixes here; we’re also talking about making your own smoothies. The method is simple; you simply make it first and then chill or freeze it. Moreover, we have some kid-friendly smoothie recipes, delicious sun-drink smoothies, and the purple berry pie smoothie. You can check it out on Pinterest for more smoothie ideas.

So, Have you found your favorite instant breakfast yet?

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